Susan Cowles
Så här berättar Susan Cowles om sitt samarbete med modellen Belen och hur hon efterarbetar sina bilder i datorn.
Belen is a 24 year old friend. She was born in Argentina. She has allowed me to take her pictures three times so far.
This image with persian scarf is from the last time I photographed her. Belen is a student and has a wonderful attitude. She takes an active part when I do her makeup and her styling. She collaborates with me and I do so enjoy working with her.
I took her pictures in my home studio in Corona, CA.
Lighting is a 60" umbrella with a white cover, two hair lights at a 45 degree angle in the rear, one right and one left. I use a 6´ reflector to the left of the model. My post processing work was done in CS5 and I also use Imagenomic Portraiture when processing her image.

Foto: Susan Cowles Belen